It was a lot of fun to camp there and the kids loved it of course. They had the lake, hiking, and a very nice beach to go swimming in. What more could any kid want?
Bekah even caught her very own fish! I didn't have the camera with me of course so I missed the good shot.
The next day Lincoln caught his own fish!
Bekah really liked fishing, guess that means daddy finally has a fishing buddy now.
One morning the fog rolled in and made the lake eerily beautiful.
Lincoln searching for something.
Oh, its a nice wet log!
Linc is excited about something, can't remember what though.
Our little hike.
Lincoln wanted to attempt taking a picture all by himself and this is the result. Not bad.
Then Bekah had to have her turn taking a picture.
That was our great camping trip. A couple weeks later we took the kids to the State Fair. Here Ella is showing the finger where the chicken bit her!
We ran into some fun clowns that made the kids balloon hats.
They had a fun petting zoo.
September turned out to be a fun month and we look forward to the nice cool weather of fall!